Yes. According to the U. S. Food & Drug Administration (FDA), food poisoning is the cause of “48 million gastrointestinal illnesses, 128,000 hospitalizations, and 3,000 deaths” each year in the United States.* But many of these incidents are easily avoided by maintaining sanitary kitchens and with frequent hand washing.
Waterworks Concession Sinks™ offers a wide range of concession sink kit drop-ins and portable concession sink with cabinet combinations that meet these needs. Our sinks for hand washing, dish and ware washing, rinsing, and sanitizing help mobile vendors achieve and maintain clean, healthy environments.†
Whether you’re looking for a three (3) compartment sink for food truck use, four (4) compartment portable sink components to build your dream mobile kitchen, or just a small three (3) compartment sink replacement for a low-cost upgrade, this category is where you find ideal kits for do-It-your selfers who like to assemble and plumb their own equipment. Like all sinks sold by Waterworks Concession Sinks, these kits include hotel pans, beveled bar drains, and basket strainers—all pans and strainers meet NSF standards.† Our 22-gauge stainless steel pans are 23.5% thicker than similar 24-gauge pans.‡ (Seemingly counter intuitive, a lower gauge number indicates thicker metal.)
Some kits are sold with one (1) or two (2) gooseneck faucets. Single faucet kits include a high-rise, 12" commercial-style spout. Kits with two (2) faucets have a 6" spout and a 12" spout.
Combined in this group are 3-pan concession sink kits and a freestanding cabinet sink. Select kits include a 12" high-rise spout.
The freestanding unit is a pre-plumbed portable three (3) compartment sink in a metal reinforced polypropylene cabinet. Included inside the cabinet are an electric hot-and-cold-water pump, on-demand water heater, and freshwater and wastewater tanks.
Four-basin kits, a freestanding cabinet sink, and a tabletop food truck sink are located here. Versatile by design, four-basin sinks are sold in combinations of four small hotel pans, four large hotel pans, or three large pans and one small one. Dual faucet combinations are equipped with 6" and 12" gooseneck spouts and are offered only with select 4-basin set-ups.
The 4-pan cabinet sink is a self-contained, wash-rinse-sanitize-and-hand-wash sink with a water pump and thermostat-regulated hot-and-cold water. Fresh and waste water tanks are also included.
The portable, tabletop sink kit is perfect for street vendors and roadside BBQ pit masters whose locations change frequently and who have limited storage space.
More than just a sink for food truck catering, these pressurized sink systems are compatible with a wide range of temporary, indoor and outdoor environments—food demos, extravagant tailgating, garages, and concerts.
The freestanding category includes the portable three (3) compartment sink with cabinet, portable four (4) compartment sink with cabinet, and portable one (1) compartment handwashing sink with cabinet.
An electric pump quietly pushes cold and thermostat-regulated hot water through one or two gooseneck faucets while pre-plumbed vinyl tubing and chemical-resistant drain traps ease the flow of gray water and other liquids out of the basins and into the wastewater tank located in the cabinet below. The metal-reinforced cabinet also houses the electric pump, water heater, freshwater tank, and wastewater tank.
*U.S. Food and Drug Administration. (2019). Fact or Fiction from Food Safety for Moms to Be. [online] Available at: https://www.fda.gov/food/people-risk-foodborne-illness/fact-or-fiction-food-safety-moms-be [Accessed 23 Dec. 2019].
†Health department regulations are not the same in every city and state. Contact your local government agency to determine applicable requirements before purchasing any sinks or components.
‡Sheet Metal Wire Gauge Sizes Data Chart | Gage Sizes Table Chart | Engineers Edge". 2019. Engineersedge.Com. https://www.engineersedge.com/gauge.htm.